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Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Mr Ferguson is a skilled diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopist, who works both privately and regularly in the NHS. He has excellent comfort scores and completion rates for sigmoidoscopy


You may require a flexible sigmoidoscopy if you have:​

  • Seen Blood or Mucus in your motions

  • Unexplained Anal or Rectal Pain

  • A Feeling of a Lump in Your Bottom

  • A feeling that you can't empty your bowel completely

  • Ongoing problems with Haemorrhoids, fistulas or fissures


What Happens During a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

A flexible sigmoidoscopy is a test that is used to check the inside of your lower bowel. It normally takes around 15 to 20 minutes.


Before your appointment we will send you a letter to let you know what you should eat and drink. This will involve a 'low residue diet'. An information sheet on this can be found at the bottom of this page. You'll also need to be given an enema before your appointment to help empty your lower bowel.  The enema is important so that Mr Ferguson has a clear view of your bowel. 


Pain Relief or Sedation:

For most people a flexible sigmoidoscopy is only slightly uncomfortable and sedation is not required. Sometimes the procedure can be uncomfortable, for example, if there is diverticular disease present or if the bowel has many loops – these situations may not be predictable before the examination. The options are:


1. No sedation: The advantage is that you can leave as soon as the procedure is finished and you have talked to the endoscopist. You may resume your normal activities such as working and driving. You will be fully aware of the procedure; most patients find this acceptable.


2. Entonox (also known as ‘gas and air’, or 'laughing gas'): this is used to help with discomfort during procedures. It provides quick relief and allows you to be in control as it also wears off quickly. You can leave the department after 30 minutes and can continue with your normal activities.


3.Intravenous sedation: this will be administered via a plastic tube called a cannula which is inserted into a vein, and will make you feel relaxed and sleepy but not unconscious (this is not a general anaesthetic). This option means you may not be aware of  or remember the procedure.

The disadvantages to this option are:

  • You will need to stay whilst you recover which may take up to an hour or more.

  • You will need to be escorted home, and have someone to stay with you overnight

  • The injection will continue to have a mild sedative effect for up to 24 hours and may leave you unsteady on your feet for a while.


The Procedure

During your sigmoidoscopy, a long thin flexible tube called a colonoscope will be passed into your bottom. It feels a little unusual when the camera goes in, but it doesn't normally hurt. Flexible sigmoidoscopy os primarily a diagnostic procedure, but conditions requiring treatment may be found. For example, if Mr Ferguson finds any small growths called polyps, you will need to be brought back on another day for a full colonoscopy and removal of the polyps. He may also need to take biopsies of your bowel to look at under a microscope later. Results of these biopsies can take up to 2 weeks to be reported.


If your main problem is related to Haemmorhoids ('piles'), then Mr Ferguson can offer application of rubber bands at the end of the procedure to help treat the problem. Details of this procedure can be seen here.


Mr Ferguson will discuss the results of your sigmoidoscopy with you after the procedure, and explain whether samples have been taken, or if any further procedures or investigations are required. A follow up appointment with Mr Ferguson will then be arranged to discuss your symptoms and biopsy results when they are available.


Information on preparing for your flexible sigmoidoscopy can be found here:

Henry Ferguson MD FRCS

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Consultant General

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Nuffield Health Warwickshire Hospital

The Chase

Old Milverton Lane

Leamington Spa

CV32 6RW

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